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Pros and cons of having a smart assistant inside your home
Pros and cons of having a smart assistant inside your home
We are progressing towards using artificial intelligence and on the cusp of making technology do everything which we do not feel worth doing.

In the age where objects are ever-increasingly becoming 'smart', markets are loaded with home assistants. A home assistant, much like the name suggests, is an electronic device designed to make the 21st-century lifestyle decluttered. All major tech giants are launching their home assistants, and Amazon's Alexa, Google Home and Homepod from Apple are the leading products in the offering, where nearly every web-based information is just a command away.

These voice assistants are made keeping the transforming dynamics of human society in mind. We are progressing towards using artificial intelligence and on the cusp of making technology do everything which we do not feel worth doing. In one's case that would be ordering groceries, while the other one needs to notify the rescheduling of the weekly meeting, and also what if they forget their partner's birthday?

There are numerous benefits of having a smart home assistant, ranging from convenience to security. Following are some of their advantages:


A smart assistant can automatically check the grocery levels and your consumption patterns in order to re-order whenever the stock dips.


They come with functionalities where an unrecognised intruder is detected, the homeowners can be informed about such an activity. This mechanism can be enhanced with having the CCTV monitoring system, smart lock etc. connected with the assistant.

Centralised control

One can club all their electronic devices with the assistant like the AC, fridge, TV, smart-lights, audio system and others, and use the assistant to operate them all using vocal commands.

External memory

The assistants are normally programmed to replicate a human assistant, who are proficient in managing people's time and scheduling their day. The smart assistants can keep track of your daily task-list and remind, edit & omit commitments as and when you would require. They are capable of transcribing your spoken statements into written phrases and send emails & notifications on your behalf.

Whilst we acknowledge the benefits, these smart assistants come with countable negatives, just like any other technology.


The foremost point of concern is the privacy management of these assistants. It is the private companies who govern and track whatever and however their internet-powered assistants assist you. Your consumption patterns, likes, dislikes, and intricate details of your personal and family life are being recorded as a backup with these assistants. Some experts suggest that with having such recording devices in your personal space you are being vulnerable as being a product yourself.

Overloading technology

Surrounding oneself with technology has one fault, it becomes an inevitable part of life. Whilst many people are opting for a tech-detox, it is advisable to keep a check on the dependence over technology.

Potential to be hacked

As technology progresses, its counter-productive industry booms as well. With millions of hackers involved in cyber-crimes and extortion, the data which these assistants have pertaining to you is of very high value. A hacker could practically know everything about you, your family, your shared lives, and things which you would prefer keeping to yourself.

Artificial upbringing for your kids

Although an unpopular opinion, millions around the world believe the rising level of technological dependence has an adverse effect on our coming generation. The bond which is to be cherished amongst the toddlers and their parents are being taken away by screens and music systems.

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